Prohibited Items
Dangerous Goods are not accepted for carriage on Lotus Logistics Courier services. The list given below is not exhaustive and is issued mainly for your guidance. An exhaustive list may be seen in the current "IATA DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS" handbook, or you may contact with us for further assistance.
- Liquid, semi-liquid and gases.
- Currency.
- Indian Postal Articles and all items that infringe the Indian Postal Act of 1898.
- Precious and semi-precious stones, gems, jewellery and equivalent items.
- Perishables.
- Radioactive or magnetic material.
- Negotiable Instruments (Bearer Form).
- Pornographic material.
- Sodexo pass.
- Firearms, explosives and military equipment.
- Flammable Items.
- Toxic and infectious Items.
- Corrosives.
- Powders and chemicals.
- Drugs.
- Machinery parts containing oil, grease, fuel or batteries.
- All restricted items as per guidelines of IATA.
B2C Forbidden Items for Delivery
- Over 20kg/box item
- Item which Custom appraisal amount over INR 100,000.
- An excessive quantity not authorized for personal consumption
- forbidden items for delivery
- Foods containing beef meat or beef meat processing ( including Beef photo )
- Flammable item(Spray type etc)
- liquid & Dangerous goods
- mounting Lithium battery
- Medical products
- Currency / Jewelry (valuables)
- Animal, Plant under quarantine